When i was grazing through the contents on google reader i got to see an amazing widget on using the google buzz updates in blogs. It will be a useful one to share the real time updates from you , it sounds good when it is placed at the sidebar of your blog.
Let me explain the simple steps for getting it on your blog ..
Now goto your Google Reader , you will see the shared items tab at the left side of your window click on it .

Note:For good visibility of the image click and view in another tab

Once you got into your shared items then you will be able to see all those tweaks that you have made on the buzz .Now you need to click on the sharing settings .

You will be seeing all the subscription options and sharing options to all your friend groups through mail , Goto the bottom of the settings page you will be seeing a similar option "Tell Some friends"  as shown below select the "Add a Clip" option you get the widget for your blog . You can now customize the text or link color for the updates according to the theme of your blog.

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