World most famous technologies are
2.Artificial intelligence
In addition the Bio-technology be used in the medical side with the technological instruments for process or demanding purpose likewise, Artificial intelligence was developed in the impression of ROBORTICS, programmer are given the outstanding routine by encoding the Artificial intelligence, appropriate to this the robots be able to walk, talk, swim, constant it can drive a car for the user probability.

WHY WE GO FOR THE MATRIX: Most of the significant Organization will modify their area of importance in the manufacturing of the ROBOTS, this will bring the enormous fight in the midst of other organization for the best and consequence, and they produce a lot special assortment of robot for special purpose, and in conclusion robots population will go up, ultimately if this exist various kinds of robots will structure a set of connections and there may be a opportunity to relocate the data form one to another robots, eventually the robots may get a possibility to survive the complete humankind. As a final point we deduce to demolish the robots, at this stage the mankind can't battle with the robots because they are finished up of tough steel and metal. But we can fight with our NATURAL INTELLIGENCE, for this we move on to the MATRIX.


Matrix is nothing other than the extraction of information from the human brain, and for interact the outside machine with the medium. In other word the permutation of the NEUROLOGY and TECHNOLOGY.


Linking with the Brain:

Decades of basic research have clarified how individual neurons pass signals to one another and along pathways to the brain or muscles. Scientists know how electrical events trigger an impulse within a neuron, and how chemical processes transmit the signal from one neuron to another or to a muscle cell. Scientists also are able to monitor or stimulate a single neuron. The passage of information is a matter of electrical input and output on a minute scale, and technological advances have allowed researchers to measure these transmissions and impart their own. On a very basic level, the language spoken by humans and machines is the same.

This understanding has led to the development of neuroprosthetics, artificial devices that link the body's nervous system (mainly the brain) with the external environment. Neuroprosthetics allow passage of electrical signals in either direction. They can transmit sensory information from the external world to the brain, they also can receive commands from the brain to create motion through artificial limbs or communicate thoughts or wishes.

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